Tabletop and RPG Games :: RPGs
Rated G :: A merchant from a prominent family needs your help getting rid of his bad luck, and the cursed artifact that has caused it. Will you undo the curse in time for him to avoid his demise, and for you to catch a rare performance at the local theater?
Game Experience Level
Adventurers League Levels 1-4
Game Society
Phoenix RPGs
Game Master
Daniel Johnson
Friday May 24 11:00 am to 3:00 pm | Game Tabletopia :: Table 025 |
Using the Fiasco playset, we will create characters, set up the scenerio then play it out. ...
2 Session(s)
About the Game:
Crabs in a Bucket is the latest entry in the card game shedding genre--where...
15 Session(s)
A horse race in Baldur's Gate becomes a hellish battle on infernal war machines in Avernus when...
8 Session(s)