Tabletop and RPG Games :: RPGs
Rated NC-17 :: Way down in the south-eastern corner of The Collide, on the edge of a vast desert tipping into the ocean, lay the small, quiet town of Reproach. Here, relying too much on magic ‘aughta gitchya killed, if the local wildlife don’t get there first. It’s a race to your finish as your group joins a posse of outlaws or deputies lookin’ to see to the other side’s end. Mostly combat with some dungeon crawling and exploration.
Game Experience Level
Level 5 characters, only necromantic magic and magical items work. Everything else is stunted by whatever dampens magic in Reproach
Game Society
Phoenix RPGs
Game Master
Joshua Greenway
Sunday May 26 11:30 am to 3:30 pm | Game Tabletopia :: Table 029 |
Friday May 24 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm | Game Tabletopia :: Table 044 |
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