Tabletop and RPG Games :: RPGs
Rated NC-17 :: IT WAS A GOOD RUN You were supposed to live fast and die young. At least you lived fast. Now you are not so young. Not so famous. Not quite able to rise to the sybaritic occasion the way you did back in the crazy days. Back when you were the big deal, touring the world behind an album that could have - should have - gone platinum. You had your moment and now it has passed. The band broke up, over sex and money and a lot of stuff that seems trivial now. You’ve had to tone it down a little, accept a new sort of reality that involves trashing fewer hotel rooms and paying more bills on time and getting prostate exams that are actually prostate exams. But the dreams never died, and lately the various anemic side projects have been less and less satisfying. And as bad decisions and old bridges burned come back to haunt you, the idea of revisiting past glory seems better and better. God knows you need the cash. And you still have fans on the Internet who would kill to see the band get back together…
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Phoenix RPGs
Game Master
Phillip Houx
Friday May 24 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm | Game Tabletopia :: Table 029 |
Deep in the vast forests of the Misty Vale lies a burial mound called the Riddermound. It is a...
1 Session(s)
It's the season of the Great Village Bake-Off, and the air is thick with the smell of bread… An...
1 Session(s)
Savage Worlds Rifts Saga is a multi-table charity event!
4 Session(s)