Brian Herring

North 122ABC

Sunday May 26, 2019 - 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Best known for his puppeteer performance as BB-8 in 'Star Wars The Force Awakens' (2015) ‘The Last Jedi’ (2017) and the forthcoming Star Wars Episode IX (2019), SE-2 in ‘Rogue One’ and The Last Jedi’s adorable Porgs, Brian also puppeteered various droids and creatures throughout the most recent Star Wars trilogy including Ponda Babba, Bor Gullet, First Order Mouse Droids, Steel Pecker bird, many animatronic creature heads and actually appearing as a Ball-Fight Gamer in Maz's castle and a Resistance Soldier in the battle of Crait. He played the Parrott-faced Hirang Birren as well being part of the core puppetry team responsible for bringing Lady Proxima,
